Aadhar Udyog Registration


Aadhar Udyog Registration for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises

Aadhar Udyog Registration is a twelve-digit Unique Identification Number provided by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India for small and medium enterprises, beginning in September 2015.  It is also known as Aadhaar for Business. As of July 2018, more than 48 lakh MSMEs in India are registered under Udyog Aadhaar.

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Get various benefits

  • Become Eligible for various Loan Schemes
  • Get Interest and Capital Subsidies
  • Govt. Support to recover delayed Payments
  • Discounted IPR Registration Fees
  • Benefit from various Tax exemptions
  • Additional benefits in SEZ
  • Get preference in Tender allotments
  • Get access to Govt. Trade Portal

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