How to do Business Promotion, how to make Brand Image?

How to do Business Promotion, how to make Brand Image?

Are you looking for the best ways to promote your website?

Creating a website is not your last step. If traffic does not come to your website, then all efforts and money to make it go waste.

So once you build your website, the next step is to get more traffic for it.

But website promotion is expensive and not everyone has the budget to advertise their website.

But don’t worry… this article will explain some of the best ways to promote your website and bring visitors to your website.

Website Promote 

Website promotion increases awareness of your website. In addition, Google uses social signals as a ranking factor. Below I have shown you free ways by which you can promote your business.

Guest Blogging

Guest Blogging is one of the best ideas for website promotion where someone writes and publishes blog posts for other blogs to promote their business.

Along with website marketing, it also enhances your backlink profile and makes connections with other users.

But, you should post your content in the right place (related to your Niche) blog or website where people are interested in your content. If you post outside your Niche, you will not get any quality traffic.

Therefore, find the best blog related to your Niche and for this, you can use Ahrefs’ Content Explorer or SEMrush. Just type a phrase related to your Niche. This will show you a list of the most popular websites that have published articles on that topic.

Here I used SEMrush.

You can export the report. Now you have a list of popular blogs related to your Niche. All you have to do is contact the owner of the blog.

After this, while writing content, follow the style and formatting of the blog for which you are posting. If each existing post uses too many headers, bold text, and each post has more than 2000 words, do so.

Be smart in Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps your website to get top rank in search results and brings constant traffic to your website.

If your website opens at the top in search results, then users will first click on your site. Hence SEO plays a very important role in increasing organic traffic to your website. Here is a detailed guide – SEO Tips in Hindi

Share your content on Reddit

Reddit is a place where you can share stories, images, videos, etc., and discuss any topic. But in Reddit, you have to promote your website smartly.

Otherwise, Redditors can block and ban you. Below is the way to promote a website on Reddit:

First, join the subreddit related to your Niche. Each subreddit has its own rules. If you do not follow their term & condition then you will be blocked.

To target the audience on Reddit, simply type in Google: site: <your niche> -inurl: “comments”

This will show a list of subreddits where you can target the audience.

Submit your link after searching for relevant subreddits. As I have already said that each sub-group has its own rules. So before sharing your link, read their duration and status.

Submit your link after finding the Relevant subreddit. As I already said, each subreddit has its own rules. So before sharing your link, read their term and condition.

Use quora

Quora is a question-and-answer website, where anyone can ask or answer any question.

You can answer questions related to your niche and include your blog link. It generates traffic to your website. But if you submit a link-filled answer, Quora will block you as spam.

Go to Quora and create a good profile that shows you are a professional. Then search for answers that have many views and followers. Write your answers and show that you know the topic deeply. Be sure to use images where possible and link other useful information.

Promote your website on Facebook

Facebook is a good social media platform to promote your brand, business, products, and services. There are billions of people using it.

Here is the guide on how to do website marketing on Facebook:

Step 1: Create a Facebook page

You can allow millions of users to connect and engage on your Facebook page.

You can create a Facebook page for free and provide a lot of information about your brand including a link to your website.

After creating the page, fill in your information and share your content. But it is not enough to drive new traffic to your website. First of all, you will need to reach the Facebook page.

Once you have many followers, you can get a lot of traffic from here.

You can run Facebook ads to promote your website. But for this, you have to spend money.

Step 2: Post to Facebook Groups

You can also promote your website through Facebook Groups. Find and join groups that are related to your Niche.

Each group has its own rules. If you break their rule, you can be blocked. Therefore, after joining, read the rules. Then share your website link.

Promote Your Business on Twitter

Twitter is also a very good social media platform for website advertising.
When you share your content on Twitter, always use relevant hashtags so that users can see your tweet while searching the topic.

And keep in mind that the featured image of your post should be good, this increases the CTR.

Promote Your Business on LinkedIn

LinkedIn can be the right social platform for website marketing. Create an amazing profile and make a connection. Follow the people in your Niche and read what they share.

Join Relevant groups and share your content. Smartly comment on other posts. This increases your brand awareness.

Promote your website on Pinterest

Pinterest is a social network that primarily focuses on images, infographics, and GIFs.

If you use a lot of images or infographics on your site, then Pinterest can be a good platform for website promotion. Make boards and fill them with pins.

Use Email Marketing

Email marketing is a very good online marketing strategy. You can send emails to 10 people or 10,000 people simultaneously.
Set up an email newsletter subscription box on your website. Then, attract visitors for blog membership and then regularly create good content and send it to your visitors.

Use Google My Business

You can get your business listed for free with Google My Business. If you run a local business, then it can prove useful for you where customers can meet you for personal interaction.

This tool allows your business to appear on Google Map search. Make sure your listing includes a link to your website.

Share the post on IndiBlogHub

IndiBlogHub is an Indian blog directory and a great place to promote after publishing the post. On this you can easily submit your article, just add your link and title and then click on the submit button.

Share the post on Scoop. it is a good platform for sharing content on various topics. It comes with three pricing plans. Its free version allows you to submit only 50 posts.

Share the post on IndiBlogger

IndiBlogger is a very popular blogging community that helps promote the website. Just join it and share your content. But its verification process takes about 15-20 days. This is the best place to connect with all Indian Bloggers.

Use medium

Medium is an online publishing platform, anyone can publish a story or blog post. If you are not a top influencer, then you can take the help of Medium and make a connection to your Niche logo.

Always add an image after your title. Post interesting content regularly.

Bookmark the post on

Mix was formerly known as StumbleUpon. This is a very good social bookmarking site that can generate good traffic to your blog. Here you can bookmark your content. Users browse content based on their interests.

Final thoughts

There are many ways to promote a website, but you need to find out which strategy is ultimately the most effective for you.

In addition, it is important to test new strategies so that you do not lag behind.

What is your opinion on this post? How do you promote your website? Did I miss a strategy in this guide? Tell us in the comment below.

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